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Dunya News > Pakistan > The health department to close the private practice of government doctors of Punjab
doctor پرائیویٹ پریکٹس

The health department to close the private practice of government doctors of Punjab

Against the jobs of Punjab government doctors in private hospitals, the Punjab Health Department has asked for a plan to start private units in government hospitals with the details of private practice medical staff.

Punjab Health Department has asked for a plan to close the private practice of government doctors of Punjab.

The facility of conducting liver, kidney and other basic tests in Jinnah Hospital, Karachi is closed

The Punjab Health Department has written a letter to the government hospitals, according to the letter issued by the Punjab Health Department of the Punjab Government, the private practicing doctors have been instructed to provide the records.

Most hospitals in Punjab did not provide records, most government hospitals did not create a private practice system. The contents of the letter issued by the Punjab Health Department further stated that private practice was to be started in major government hospitals.

Boards were to be formed in government hospitals for private practice, doctors in government hospitals were to get the opportunity for private practice, Punjab Health Department also ordered to form boards immediately.

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