Punjab Information Minister Uzma Bukhari has said that the FIA cyber crime wing is only taking salaries, the prime minister should close the FIA cyber crime wing.
Talking to the media outside the Lahore High Court, he said that we are running social media like a camel. So far, the FI has not found out that the alleged fake video was first uploaded on Facebook, while the FIA says the video was first played on ‘X’.
Uzma Bukhari said that she has told 10 times that the video was first uploaded on Facebook but the FIA still could not trace any Facebook account. This is the reason why the courage of digital terrorists has also increased because They know they will not be caught.
Case registered against Uzma Bukhari fake video, 6 people including PTI worker Falak Javed
The provincial minister said that FIA cyber crime wing people are not doing any work, they are just sitting and taking salaries. Today I started crying in the court, in the court date is given on date, leaving all the work, I come to the court on the date.
He said that this work started from social media, even today posts are being uploaded against me on social media, I am the complainant in this matter. There has been a storm of misbehavior on social media since yesterday on my photo with my son, should I wait for justice for 15 days that now the institutions will not do anything.
She further said that one thing is certain that I will not back down from this issue but it is a pity that there is no legal system in our country and neither the institutions have any understanding.