Ever since the Bollywood A-lister, Ranveer Singh announced his next big screen project, with director Aditya Dhar, featuring an ensemble star cast, fans as well as the cinema fraternity have been excited for the next role that this chameleon undertakes, and poured in their reactions on his announcement post.
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It was previously reported by Indian media over the weekend that the title is based on National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and draws inspiration from one of the real-life missions he undertook.
Reports suggested that Ranveer Singh plays the lead role in the film, whereas, R. Madhavan, Arjun Rampal and Akshaye Khanna essay fellow intelligence officers. However, the recent development is that not Singh, but it is the ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ actor who will play the coveted role based on Doval.
“It is R Madhavan who plays the coveted part. He’ll have a cool, different look in the film and it’s something that the actor is excited about. Like always, he’s giving his heart and soul to this role as well. The makers are confident that it’s something to watch out for,” revealed an insider.
According to the details, Sanjay Dutt will reportedly play the antagonist in the movie, whereas, more about Singh’s character is yet to be known.
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Notably, Singh announced the multi-starrer venture earlier this week, dedicating the project, which he dubbed ‘personal’, to his fans, who kept up with him during his rough patch. “With your blessings, we embark on this great, big motion picture adventure with spirited energy and pure intent,” he penned on Instagram. “I promise you, this time, a cinematic experience like never before.”
The high-octane espionage thriller, set against the backdrop of the geopolitical scenario between India and Pakistan, is co-produced by Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios and B62 Studios of Aditya Dhar and his brother Lokesh Dhar.
The yet-to-be-titled project went on the floors in Thailand this week. The shooting schedule will continue in Canada before wrapping up in Mumbai.