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Dunya News > Pakistan > Action will also be taken against officers who obey illegal orders of Faiz Hameed, Haris Nawaz
Haris Nawaz

Action will also be taken against officers who obey illegal orders of Faiz Hameed, Haris Nawaz

KARACHI: Former Interior Minister Sindh Brigadier (retd) Haris Nawaz has said that action will also be taken against the officers who obeyed the illegal orders of General Rafiz Hameed.

Former Interior Minister Sindh Brigadier (retd) Haris Nawaz said in an interview that these officers will also be court martialed based on the seriousness of the charges. If the charges were less serious, they would have been punished in the middle of the inquiry.

He said that if it is considered necessary that there should be a court martial against the involved officers, then it will definitely happen. Faiz Hameed is a senior officer so he is being court martialed separately.

Brigadier (retd) Haris Nawaz said that the accused has full right to fair trial during court martial proceedings. That he should present his cleanliness and evidence in favor of it. The prosecution presents its case. After that, the board sits and collects the results and gives a formal proposal.

He said that there is a Judge Advocate General branch in GHQ. Where the legal branches of the entire army who are qualified sit. They approve the entire charge sheet after seeing it and then take action after getting approval from the Army Chief.

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Former Interior Minister Sindh said that if there are two separate charge sheets, there will be two courts martial. So it should be a single charge sheet. There will be 2 sections under which the trial should be conducted.

Answering a question, Brigadier (Rtd) Haris Nawaz said that the inquiry into the Top City case was delayed too much. Had it been done on time, action might have been taken.

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